Customer Testimonials

Wax Attack have an increasing number of satisfied customers, whose comments are shown below. If you're looking for a car valet in the Bay of Plenty, look no further than Wax Attack for all your vehicle detailing requirements.

  • Just wanted to say thank you for an awesome job and my Mother's Day present to myself. When I saw it all primed and polished I thought `Damn, my car looks sexy!!' And you guys got all the fluff out too! That's impressive. Thanks for making my Mother's Day.


  • Thank you so much for the wonderful job you did on my Toyota ist. I will put your card up in my office and tell my colleagues was a good service you provide.

    Glyn Drewe - Marketing Consultant

  • I just wanted to let you know I have had lots of compliments on my car - my niece actually thought I bought a new car! She now has new seat covers and a rubber mat in the back so no more dog hair. Thanks heaps, you do a great job and I will keep spreading the word!

    Jenny Minogue - Wedding Celebrant